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The Confessions of St. Augustine (Catholic Classics)

The Confessions of St. Augustine (Catholic Classics)

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Tune into the Catholic Classics podcast to hear the book read aloud with additional expert commentary! Download the free reading plan here.

The powerful witness of St. Augustine’s spiritual journey empowers all the faithful to strive for heaven.


The second book of the Catholic Classics series, The Confessions of St. Augustine, is an updated translation of the key work of Catholic tradition that is accessible for modern readers.

Often considered one of the most influential and inspiring works of the saints, this classic yet relevant text was written by the Doctor of the Church as a prayer to God, confessing his faith despite past mistakes and recognizing the ways that God has transformed his heart. Through the years, it has remained a key reflection on the spiritual life for believers who seek to persevere through weakness toward the glory of heaven.

Exploring topics such as understanding Sacred Scripture, the weakness of the human heart, and the transformative power of an encounter with the living God, this text draws readers ever closer to God through St. Augustine’s conversations with the heavenly Father who called him out of a life of sin and onto the path toward sainthood.

With a new translation by Dr. Matthew Minerd, this special version renews Catholics' understanding and appreciation of this spiritual classic. It also includes:

This beautiful book draws all Catholics into a deeper relationship with God in their pursuit of holiness through the honesty, authenticity, and wisdom of one of the Church’s greatest saints.

A message from the Catholic Classics podcast hosts:

“Some books simply need to be read. The book that you hold in your hands is one of them. The Confessions of St. Augustine is a classic of Christian spirituality. For centuries it has rewarded its readers with a wealth of insight into God, self, evil, and the whole range of human experience. With each generation, it continues to draw men and women into a profound encounter with the living God. By the intercession of St. Augustine and through his modest and humble confession, may we set out with renewed fervor in our own conversion.

—Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P., and Fr. Jacob Bertrand Janczyk, O.P.




SKU: 9781954882157
ISBN: 9781954882157
Format: Hardcover
Weight: 1.821 lb
Dimensions: L: 8.5, W: 5.5, D:
Page Count: 488
Case Count: 12
Ecclesiastical Designation: Imprimatur
Publisher: Ascension
Author(s): Fr. Jacob Bertrand Janczyk, Matthew Minerd, Fr. Gregory Pine, St. Augustine of Hippo
Series: The Confessions of St. Augustine
Language: English



SKU: 9781954882584
ISBN: 9781954882584
Format: Paperback
Weight: 1.091 lb
Ecclesiastical Designation: Imprimatur
Publisher: Ascension
Author(s): Fr. Jacob Bertrand Janczyk, Matthew Minerd, Fr. Gregory Pine, St. Augustine of Hippo
Series: The Confessions of St. Augustine
Language: English



SKU: 9781954882164
Weight: 1.821 lb
Language: English
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Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
The Confessions of St. Augustine (Catholic Classics)

Beautiful book! I love the leather binding and the gold.
Absolutely stunning!
It is a gift for my son’s, and I put a note in the back of the book, making it very personable.

Justin L.
Great! Comparing Another Copy

I have a library of The Great Books of the Western World published 1952. One of the books is Augustine that contains The Confessions. I got this from my parents and became interested reading this along with Thomas Aquinas as I entered my forties. I honestly found this edition challenging and I stopped. When I got the announcement for this I thought it would be a good edition and a great opportunity to try again.
I have been very pleased! I got my copy before going out of town for a bit and started reading. The format is very good and I like how it has scripture references in the text as I’m reading. I took the approach of reading these references while reading a section.
Here’s a good comparison.. Book 1 Chapter 2 toward the middle:
1952 copy: “Do then heaven and earth, which Thou hast made, and wherein Thou hast made me, contain Thee? … , doth therefore whatever exists contain Thee?”
Catholic Classics copy: “But, then, do heaven and earth, which you have made and where I exist, contain you? Or, given that nothing that exists could exist without you, do all things that exist contain you?”

Lenny V.
Best available translation

Earlier this year I attempted to read the Confessions of St. Augustine and like many others struggled to get thru the archaic language. In fact the book is still on the table next to my chair. Been there for several months. This edition is so much easier to understand and is well produced. I also enjoy the commentary---just makes reading the section easier to grasp Augustine's point. I am looking forward to the reading along with podcast to further comprehend the book with input by Fr. Gregory and Fr. Jacob. Looking forward to more Catholic Classics from Ascension press and podcasts.

Normand L.
Finally can reasonably understand the confessions.

In the past I’ve attempted to read the confessions but really had difficulty in understanding due to the barriers of ancient verse. This translation has enabled me to better understand.
I’m confident I can now read the confessions from beginning to end!! Thanks you Ascension!!!