Sundays with Ascension:
Parish Bulletin Resources

Enrich Your Parishioners Between Sunday Masses
With Weekly Bulletin Inserts

Your parish might offer Bible studies, young adult groups, volunteer opportunities, and other ways for your parishioners to grow in their faith and live the Gospel, but only a portion of your parishioners attend.

Your weekly bulletin is a touch point you can have with every parishioner; an opportunity to engage and form them before they come back for the next Sunday Mass.

Sundays with Ascension Parish Bulletin Resources will meet the people in the pews.

Our subscription service lets you bring powerful Ascension content, including Bible in a Year, reflections on the weekly readings, children’s resources, Sunday Q&A, and other compelling spiritual resources to your parishioners.

There’s no need to devote time to format and develop content week after week. All you need to do is share these concise, digestible resources digitally or in print and distribute them to your parishioners as they head out after Mass–inserted right into the announcements handout.

A woman hands papers to an older man, a boy watches nearby.

What's Included in Your Subscription

When you subscribe, you will receive access to ALL of the following resources. One of each for EVERY Sunday!

Sunday Q&A Your Faith in Focus

Answers to questions that will help parishioners live out and understand the Faith.

Seasonal Content

Enter more deeply into the current liturgical season.

* click to expand images

The Rosary in a Year

(with Fr. Mark-Mary Ames)


The Bible in a Year

(with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

The Catechism in a Year

(with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

Reflect on and deepen your understanding of the Rosary, Scripture, and the Catechism with trusted guides for an entire year.

* click to expand images

Encountering the Word

(with Jeff Cavins)

Childrens Resources  

Engage kids in the Mass and their Faith.

How it Works

  1. Subscribe*
    • Month by month or an annual subscription
    • Save $70 with an annual subscription
  2. Use Thinkific to access materials
    • Content available for every Sunday a few months in advance
  3. Print or share any or all of the resources
    • Print in full color or black and white
    • Upload to current bulletin systems or share digitally
  4. Share this formative content with your parishioners every Sunday

    * The subscription can't be invoiced. Must be purchased with a debit or credit card. 


Find the upcoming bulletin insert PDFs in Thinkific. 

(There's a separate calendar for every bulletin insert category.)



Monthly Subcription: Pay $35 per month

Annual Subscription: Pay $350 per year (Save $70)