Why You’re Not Happy (and What to Do About It) w/ Fr. Gregory Pine, OP

Why You’re Not Happy (and What to Do About It) w/ Fr. Gregory Pine, OP

The Ascension Team

“I have come that you might have life and life in abundance.” This oft-quoted verse from John’s Gospel can lead us to believe that following the Christian life will make us happy. But does it really?

As we read the lives of the saints—and as we live our own lives—we are confronted with the inescapable reality of suffering. The Christian life is not, in fact, always easy.

But didn’t Jesus say we would be happy?

Today Fr. Gregory Pine helps us understand St. Augustine’s famous quote, “our hearts are restless until they rest in you,” and how we can find true happiness—both in this life and in the life to come.

St. Augustine's Confessions is full of insights and revelations that we can all relate to. Read along and enjoy some commentary from Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P., and Fr. Jacob Bertrand Janczyk, O.P. with The Confessions of St. Augustine, the next installation in the Catholic Classics series from Ascension. You can also download the reading plan and follow along on the Dominicans podcast. God bless you!

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