Why We Do Bad Things
Today, Fr. Gregory Pine describes St. Augustine's account in his book Confessions about stealing a pear as a young man. See, the reason he couldn't let this small act go was that he couldn't figure out why he did it. He didn't even want it. He wasn't hungry. It wasn't a particularly beautiful pear. So why take it?
At the heart of every sin is a madness—an insane rebellion that rebels for its own sake. Fr. Gregory unpacks it and offers us an antidote.
St. Augustine's Confessions is full of insights and revelations that we can all relate to. Read along and enjoy some commentary from Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P., and Fr. Jacob Bertrand Janczyk, O.P. with The Confessions of St. Augustine, the next installation in the Catholic Classics series from Ascension. You can also download the reading plan and follow along on the Dominicans podcast. God bless you!