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What We Believe: The Beauty of the Catholic Faith, Chart

What We Believe: The Beauty of the Catholic Faith, Chart

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Discover the Amazing Riches of the Catholic Faith

This chart provides a visual overview of the beliefs and practices of the Catholic Faith. Following the format of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, it gives a snapshot of the major teachings of the Faith and illustrates how they relate to each other.

The What We Believe Chart:

  • Organizes the content of the Faith into twelve major categories
  • Identifies the “discoveries” that summarize the rich treasures of the Faith
  • Indicates key doctrines and where they are explained in the Catechism of the Catholic Church
  • Provides helpful lists summarizing who Catholics are, what we believe, and how we live our Faith.

Nihil obstat: Rev. Msgr. Joseph G. Prior, STD
Censor Librorum
May 11, 2022
Imprimatur:+Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez
Archbishop of Philadelphia
April 20, 2022


SKU: 9781954881488
ISBN: 9781954881488
Format: Chart
Weight: 0.099 lb
Dimensions: L: 8.5, W: 5.5, D:
Case Count: 250
Publisher: Ascension
Publication Date: Jun 13, 2022
Copyright Year: 2022
Series: What We Believe: The Beauty of the Catholic Faith
Language: English
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Customer Reviews

Based on 13 reviews
Glad to have this resouce

Well written. I like that it's condensed and understandable. Very satisfied.

A Great Resource

A comprehensive summary of our beautiful Catholic Faith! I have given copies to two of my godchildren to encourage them to return to the practice of our Faith and ordered more to pass on.

Great reference tool for our faith

I received my chart a few days ago, and I refer to it during the day. It is what we believe in a short, organized chart. I love it and recommend it.

Good for OCIA

Beautifully done. Nothing new for catechized Catholics, but an excellent handout for those thinking of becoming Catholic, or those who were never taught their faith.

Michael C.
Great and handy reference

Is a great learning tool, compact and handy, Very happy with this and glad Ascension has put it together for people.