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The Kinsey Corruption

The Kinsey Corruption

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Alfred Kinsey was a scientific researcher in the 1900’s best remembered for conducting research on human sexuality. The only problem? His research has been met with strong controversy due to much of his data being collected from incarcerated sex offenders, criminals, and prostitutes.

Research that was intended to expand individuals’ knowledge of their own sexual behavior has been accused of contributing to a downfall of sexual morality that has deeply wounded generations of men and women.

Experts such as author Susan Brinkmann identify America’s shift from a country of traditional family values to a nation of widespread promiscuity, cohabitation, and soaring divorce rates as stemming from the liberation from sexual guilt and promotion of all sexual behaviors as normal reported in Kinsey’s research.

This book exposes the flaws in Alfred Kinsey’s research and accusations of immorality in his experimentation. It also identifies which of today’s popular notions about sex are based on Kinsey’s flawed conclusions in order to draw readers’ attention toward America’s dysfunctional views of human sexuality and ultimately promote the Catholic view of sexual morality.


    SKU: 9781932645712
    ISBN: 9781932645712
    Format: Paperback
    Weight: 0.375 lb
    Dimensions: L: 8.5, W: 5.5, D: 0.1875
    Page Count: 79
    Case Count: 86
    Publisher: Ascension
    Series: The Kinsey Corruption
    Language: English
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