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The Ascension Lenten Companion: Year C, Journal

The Ascension Lenten Companion: Year C, Journal

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God wants to give us more. This daily prayer resource will help readers discover what it is that God is offering them this coming Lent. Each day, they’ll get:

  • a word, 
  • a scripture passage, 
  • a short meditation, 
  • a journal prompt,
  • a prayer,
  • and a piece of original artwork for each week.

These will guide them to rediscover a lived personal relationship with God as they journey through Lent. 

Together with the powerful weekly videos found on and on the DVD, The Ascension Lenten Companion: Year C combines Scripture, contemplative meditations, sacred art, and inspirational prayer exercises to create a unique retreat experience that will take you deeper into your relationship with Jesus and will help you experience Lent in a way you never have before.

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  • Paperback
  • 216 pages
  • Matte lamination cover
*Due to the seasonal nature of the program, materials for The Ascension Lenten Companion are not returnable. Bulk discount available to US parish and individual customers only (offer not available to resellers).



SKU: 9781954881099
Format: Paperback
Weight: 0.741 lb
Dimensions: L: 8.25, W: 5.75
Page Count: 224
Case Count: 40
Ecclesiastical Designation: Imprimatur, Nihil Obstat
Publisher: Ascension
Publication Date: Jan 01, 2022
Copyright Year: 2022
Author(s): Fr. Mark Toups
Series: The Ascension Lenten Companion
Language: English



SKU: 9781954881105
Format: epub
Weight: 0.741 lb
Page Count: 224
Ecclesiastical Designation: Imprimatur, Nihil Obstat
Publisher: Ascension
Publication Date: Jan 01, 2022
Copyright Year: 2022
Author(s): Fr. Mark Toups
Series: The Ascension Lenten Companion
Language: English
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Customer Reviews

Based on 186 reviews
Barbara K.
A Memorable Lent

A real Lenten Journey is something I’ve never done, and I’m 82 years old.
I’m so glad I did and hope to do it again.
I’m not a journaler, writer of my inner feelings, and don’t usually follow directions. BUT, I did. I connected with Jesus. I wrote. I prayed. I cried a bit too.
I’m grateful for Father Toups’ writing and his you tube presentations during Lent.
God Bless you, Father.

Sue B.
Amazing insights

I so looked forward to each morning and the revelations in Fr. Toups' book. It was possibly my best Lent ever, thanks to the way his reflections helped me dig more deeply into the areas of my life (some not expected) that were holding me back from a fuller relationship with Jesus. I can't say enough about how powerful and loving the texts and scriptures were for me.

Digna P.
Fell back in love

This book might help some people fall in love with Jesus, but for me, I fell in love with Jesus all over again. It is amazing!!! Highly recommended.

Micha P.
UNITING to Christ

Thank you so much for the GLORIOUS 2022 Lenten Companion. Our Bible Study Group did the Lenten Companion and met weekly to discuss our reflections. WOW!!! All of the guided meditations really helped us to unite our sufferings to Christ in a way that none of us had ever been able to before. We found great hope, encouragement and strength in uniting ourselves to our blessed Savior. It truly was the BEST LENT EVER for so many of us. The BEST meaning we found great intention, inspiration and connection in these 40 days!! The best Lent is transforming and leading us into the best Easter as we continue to now unite ourselves to our RISEN Lord!! We are experiencing His continued presence with us as we journey Home!! Thank you Father Toups for your honest, humbling, and authentic stories and reflections that brought forth the same in our Spirits. Thank you Ascension for continuing to create, support and spread these tools for our spiritual growth, maturity and deeper communion with Christ. We are SO VERY GRATEFUL!! Well done, good and faithful servants!!

Susie K.
Best Lent ever

I want to thank Fr. Toups for this book! It helped me to fall in love all over again with the person of Jesus. What a precious gift-to renew my love for Him and to allow Him to love unworthy me. I find myself daily thinking of Jesus telling me to look at Him, keep my eyes on Him. I have come to a new recognition of mercy and He who is Divine Mercy!
God bless you, Fr. Toups!