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Summary of the National Directory for Catechesis (Spanish)

Summary of the National Directory for Catechesis (Spanish)

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Escrito por las muchas personas que contribuyen a la vida catequética de una diócesis o parroquia, el resumen del directorio nacional para la catequesis brinda inspiración e información para ayudar a los padres, maestros, directores, catequistas, párrocos, religiosos, comités y directores o coordinadores de diversos ministerios pastorales a desempeñarse sobre sólido terreno catequético. Este resumen resalta, en lenguaje claro y conciso, los conceptos y directivas de cada uno de los diez capítulos del directorio nacional para la catequesis escrito especialmente para voluntarios, entre ellos padres, adultos jóvenes y adolescentes, el resumen del directorio nacional para la catequesis es una excelente herramienta para guiar y apoyar a los católicos en su viaje permanente de formación en la fe.

Written for the many people who contribute to the catechetical life of a diocese or parish, the Summary of the National Directory for Catechesis provides inspiration and information to help parents, teachers, catechists, pastors, religious, committees, principals, and directors or coordinators of various pastoral ministries put their feet on solid, catechetical ground. This focused summary highlights the concepts and directives of each of the ten chapters of the National Directory for Catechesis in clear, concise language. Especially written for volunteers, including parents, young adults, and teens, the Summary of the National Directory for Catechesis is an excellent tool to guide and support Catholics in their ongoing journey of faith formation.

Previously sold by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).

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