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Spiritual Accompaniment in Movements and New Communities: Aiding Human and Supernatural Growth

Spiritual Accompaniment in Movements and New Communities: Aiding Human and Supernatural Growth

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Reflections on the nature and challenges of spiritual accompaniment within the context of movements and new communities

The Christian life is not a private endeavor but one that takes place within relationships and communities. Throughout the Church’s history, experienced disciples have ministered to this relational aspect of Christianity by walking with believers in all stages of the spiritual life to help them grow in sanctity. Today, spiritual accompaniment faces unique challenges within the context of movements and new communities.

In a world that often sows confusion and disorientation, more and more people are looking for guides they can trust to navigate their way through life. The fruit of a Study Week held at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Santa Croce) in Rome, Spiritual Accompaniment in Movements and New Communities: Aiding Human and Supernatural Growth provides practical guidelines for the practice of spiritual accompaniment to help spiritual directors lead accompanied individuals to Jesus through the truth and beauty of the Catholic Church.

Spiritual Accompaniment in Movements and New Communities:

  • Summarizes current Church thought on the topic of spiritual accompaniment
  • Explores the history and theology of spiritual accompaniment, providing a glimpse of all its richness and spiritual value
  • Outlines the necessary distinctions and inescapable connections between spiritual accompaniment and psychology
  • Gives guidelines for the practice of spiritual accompaniment within the context of movements and new communities
  • Addresses deeply felt, current challenges of spiritual accompaniment, including the contemporary culture and walking with victims of abuse

Spiritual accompaniment is a response to an intrinsic need of the human heart: to be seen, heard, and understood. Calling to mind the dignity of every human person, which spiritual accompaniment is called to serve, this book seeks to help all spiritual directors lead those in their care to the only one who can offer us true happiness: our Father in heaven.

Format: Paperback

Language: English

Pages: 174


SKU: 9798892760492
ISBN: 9798892760492
Weight: 0.229 lb
Language: English
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