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Rejoice! An Advent Pilgrimage into the Heart of Scripture: Year B, Journal

Rejoice! An Advent Pilgrimage into the Heart of Scripture: Year B, Journal

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God wants to draw you closer to himself this Advent-and what better way to do that than through His Word?

In this new installment of the Rejoice! series, you will be immersed in the readings that anchor us during the Advent season–the Sunday Mass readings.

This year's Advent pilgrimage will bear fruit in your life as Jesus comes to live more fully in your heart, and you experience greater joy and peace throughout the Advent season and beyond.

Each day, in a few short pages, Fr. Toups provides you with aids to help guide your prayer:

    • A word - Focus on a single word each day to help you enter more deeply into that week's readings.
    • A reflection - Explore each week’s readings and enter more deeply into them.
    • A prompt - Space is provided each day to journal. Record how the Lord is speaking to you this Advent.

Bulk Pricing Available

*Due to the seasonal nature of the program, materials for Rejoice! An Advent Pilgrimage into the Heart of Scripture, Year A are not returnable. Bulk discount available to US parish and individual customers only (offer not available to resellers). 



SKU: 9781954882263
ISBN: 9781954882263
Format: Paperback
Weight: 0.6 lb
Dimensions: L: 8.25, W: 5.75, D: 0.5
Page Count: 184
Ecclesiastical Designation: Imprimatur
Publisher: Ascension
Author(s): Fr. Mark Toups
Series: Rejoice
Language: English



SKU: 9781954882270
ISBN: 9781954882270
Weight: 0.6 lb
Language: English
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Customer Reviews

Based on 139 reviews

Very well done easy to follow


The Advent pilgrimage Rejoice has come through again this year with beauty. It was a quiet experience for me in this busy paced world. Father Mark thank you again for helping me capture Advent in silence and calm. God Bless!


Rejoice led me to the best Advent I have ever had. The method of reading the scriptures three times in the manner of Lectio Divina helped me to hear God talking to me. And the meditation to see myself through the eyes of God help me see myself with love. Thank you for a wonderful study.


This is my second year walking with Fr Toups on an advent pilgrimage into the heart of scripture. Once again it was a great aid in enhancing my advent journey. Enjoyed the personal reflections that helped the scripture come alive. Wish it had a timeline as when to start based on the year… felt a bit off since advent started later this year.- had to flip forward to Christmas and back. Did this study with my husband and best girlfriend- enjoyed sharing our thoughts with one another. It was very helpful to each of us the insights we gained on our own walks with Jesus. I would recommend the Rejoice series. Looking forward to Lent with Fr Toups Hoping something will be created for Ordinary time.

Franney S.
Thanks for Rejoice!

I love Fr. Marks books for both Advent and Lent. They have become my default plan.

The Rejoice books and videos are a beautiful and calming antidote to the almost inescapable busy-ness of the weeks before Christmas. They keep you centered on what it’s all about and what is most important and his imagery stays with me long term.

Request: Books for the Easter season too!!!