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Inside Islam: A Guide for Catholics

Inside Islam: A Guide for Catholics

by Daniel Ali and Robert Spencer
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An essential resource for anyone who wants to know more about this historic religion from the Middle East.

Inside Islam: A Guide for Catholics utilizes a popular question-and-answer format so that all Catholics—both the theological novice and the well-catechized—can learn the basics of Islam. Co-authors Robert Spencer and Daniel Ali, a convert from Islam, give you a solid understanding of Islam’s unique teachings including:

  • The Islamic view of God
  • The role of Jesus in Islamic theology
  • Islam’s controversial theology of jihad, or “holy war”
  • Why Islam’s strong beliefs are so attractive to secularized Western societies
  • The role of women in Islam

Inside Islam is an essential resource for anyone who wants to know more about this historic religion from the Middle East. After reading this book, you will have a better understanding of the issues discussed every day in the news.



SKU: 9780965922852
Format: Paperback
Weight: 0.631 lb
Dimensions: L: 8.5, W: 5.5, D: 0.45
Page Count: 192
Case Count: 48
Publisher: Ascension
Publication Date: Sep 01, 2003
Author(s): Daniel Ali, Robert Spencer
Series: Inside Islam
Language: English


E-Book (.epub)

SKU: 9781934217863
Weight: 0.631 lb
Language: English
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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Q. S.
A Disappointing Insight from an Seminarian

As a seminarian and a future Catholic in OCIA who is sincerely interested in Interfaith dialogue, specifically between Christianity and Islam, I am pretty disappointed that this book would be published and circulating amongst the faithful in a polarized world. At the same time, I plan to finish the book. I feel moved in spirit to look carefully at those phrases like “most Muslims….” And “Muhammad says…”.

There are many Quranic quotes, but they lack any real academic credibility and reference when speaking in depth about hadiths and classical and contemporary theologians…. Many are not named.… nor their work mentioned…

Also, I read and continue to reference all the footnotes. Thank you for those, but this book, while a glimpse into the most disturbing aspects of Islam, should have a sound opinion of a catholic theologian. Not just a “foreword” by a Priest.

May God guide us all in peace and reconciliation. In the end, correct us all in our misunderstandings with Mercy and Grace. -Amen.

Tricia F.

As a history graduate and an attorney, I was taken aback by the tone of this book. There are many more astute books about Islam that both reveal and help to understand that faith and how it is lived. This book loses credibility in its internal contradictory statements, its lack of subjectivity, and becomes a screed against Islam. That is, a screed against its narrow view of Islam.

I do not recommend this book. There are much better history and apolitical ones out there.

E. S.B.
Excellent source of information

This book is spot-on accurate with its information and helpful tips on sharing the Gospel with others. It has valuable points to consider, and it’s written in an understandable way.