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Communities of Salt and Light: Reflections on the Social Mission of the Parish

Communities of Salt and Light: Reflections on the Social Mission of the Parish

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The roadmap for parish social ministry for over 30 years.

Now in its 30th year, this landmark statement continues to serve as the guiding document for parish social ministry in the United States. In this document, the bishops highlight the vital role parishes play in responding to the call “to build evangelizing communities of faith, justice and solidarity, where all believers are challenged to bring God’s love, justice and peace to a world in desperate need of the seasoning of the gospel.” The statement includes seven elements of the social mission of parishes as a framework for planning and assessing that ministry.

Previously sold by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).


SKU: 9781574557640
ISBN: 9781574557640
Format: Paperback
Weight: 0.141 lb
Dimensions: L: 9, W: 6, D:
Page Count: 32
Case Count: 243
Ecclesiastical Designation: Approved by bishops of the NCCB at their General Meeting in November 1993
Publisher: USCCB
Copyright Year: 1993
Author(s): USCCB
Series: Communities of Salt and Light
Language: English
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