A group of us from our church did this Bible study last year. We all agree that it was nothing short of life changing. (Several members have done the study twice, & say they would do it a 3rd time, as each time they say they retain more.). I am a cradle Catholic, but never understood much about The Bible before this. The Old Testament was especially incomprehensible to me. This study has helped me to finally understand & appreciate The Bible, for the first time in my life. The study shows how God has made 6 covenants w/his people in history, the last being through Jesus. (Who knew-right?). When one begins to grasp this, one can begin to appreciate the incredible lengths our God has gone to, in order to save us. I only wish I had known this sooner! We should be teaching this to our children. A huge thank you to Jeff Cavins for creating this remarkable study!