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365 Days to Deeper Faith: The Catechism of the Catholic Church in Short Daily Readings

365 Days to Deeper Faith: The Catechism of the Catholic Church in Short Daily Readings

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This first-of its-kind guide to the Catechism of the Catholic Church will help you read through the entire Catechism in just one year!

Each day was designed to help you learn in 30 minutes or less and is printed without calendar dates, so you can begin your journey through the teachings of the Church any time of the year. As a yearly guide, 365 days to deeper faith will take you from paragraph 1 to 2865 with daily readings marking the course of your progress through the teachings of the Catholic Church.

Published in celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the promulgation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, it presents Pope Francis' October 11, 2017, speech commemorating the milestone silver anniversary.

Previously sold by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).


SKU: 9781601375773
Format: Paperback
Weight: 1.96 lb
Dimensions: W: 8.9" H" 5.98" D: 1.42
Page Count: 576
Case Count: 16
Ecclesiastical Designation: Imprimatur
Publisher: USCCB
Publication Date: Oct 25, 2017
Copyright Year: 2017
Author(s): USCCB
Series: 365 Days to Deeper Faith
Language: English
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