

More than your job

Why Your Job Is Not Your Identity

Bobby explains why your job is not your identity, even if that’s the way it feels when the first thing someone asks you is, “What do you do?” We are...

Why Your Job Is Not Your Identity

Bobby explains why your job is not your identity, even if that’s the way it feels when the first thing someone asks you is, “What do you do?” We are...

The Decision Making Muscle

How to Strengthen the Will

Fr. Mark-Mary shows us how to strengthen our decision-making muscle, the will. This video is a continuation of the series “If nothing changes, nothing changes”, which aims to help you...

How to Strengthen the Will

Fr. Mark-Mary shows us how to strengthen our decision-making muscle, the will. This video is a continuation of the series “If nothing changes, nothing changes”, which aims to help you...

Friends of the Opposite Sex?

Having Friends of the Opposite Sex

The age-old question: can you have friends of the opposite sex? What about if you’re married or in a relationship? Yes! But... Being married changes things. It changes our lifestyle,...

Having Friends of the Opposite Sex

The age-old question: can you have friends of the opposite sex? What about if you’re married or in a relationship? Yes! But... Being married changes things. It changes our lifestyle,...

Create and Environment that Supports Virtue

How to Create an Environment that Supports Virtue

If you’re trying to cultivate a virtue, you have to be in an environment that is supportive. Like Fr. Mark-Mary says, a bar is a terrible place for a recovering...

How to Create an Environment that Supports Virtue

If you’re trying to cultivate a virtue, you have to be in an environment that is supportive. Like Fr. Mark-Mary says, a bar is a terrible place for a recovering...

Shame and Sin

Finding Freedom from Shame

We all feel shame at some point, but more often than not it comes from the devil. He wants us to be ashamed of as many things as possible—even when...

Finding Freedom from Shame

We all feel shame at some point, but more often than not it comes from the devil. He wants us to be ashamed of as many things as possible—even when...

Grow in Love with Jesus

How to Grow in Love with Jesus

Fr. Mark-Mary gives three ways to grow in love with Jesus this Lent. In his previous video, Fr. Mark-Mary talked about how if nothing changes in our lives this Lent,...

How to Grow in Love with Jesus

Fr. Mark-Mary gives three ways to grow in love with Jesus this Lent. In his previous video, Fr. Mark-Mary talked about how if nothing changes in our lives this Lent,...