

Crush on a Seminarian?

When You Have a Crush on Someone in Seminary

If you have a crush on someone in the seminary, or are in the seminary and have a crush, Jackie and Bobby say to guard your heart. It’s important to...

When You Have a Crush on Someone in Seminary

If you have a crush on someone in the seminary, or are in the seminary and have a crush, Jackie and Bobby say to guard your heart. It’s important to...

From Gambling to God

How He Went from Gambling to Religious Life

Before entering the religious life, Brother Michaelangelo played poker for a living, and his life of gambling made him quite successful. He enjoyed partying, clubs, and travel for a good...

How He Went from Gambling to Religious Life

Before entering the religious life, Brother Michaelangelo played poker for a living, and his life of gambling made him quite successful. He enjoyed partying, clubs, and travel for a good...

Offer It Up

Why Do We Offer Up Suffering?

Our ability to offer up suffering is a profound reality. When we are suffering, "offer it up" may be the last thing we want to hear, but Jackie brings us...

Why Do We Offer Up Suffering?

Our ability to offer up suffering is a profound reality. When we are suffering, "offer it up" may be the last thing we want to hear, but Jackie brings us...

Spiritual Reason for Fasting

The Spiritual Reason for Fasting

You've probably heard that the reason for fasting is about physical health, but there is also a spiritual reason for fasting. “Fasting is when we’re a little bit OK with...

The Spiritual Reason for Fasting

You've probably heard that the reason for fasting is about physical health, but there is also a spiritual reason for fasting. “Fasting is when we’re a little bit OK with...

Dealing with a Partner's Sexual History

Dealing With a Partner’s Sexual History

Jackie and Bobby tackle the difficult topic of dealing a partner's sexual history, especially when it differs from your own. A person’s past impurity is an obstacle the devil likes...

Dealing With a Partner’s Sexual History

Jackie and Bobby tackle the difficult topic of dealing a partner's sexual history, especially when it differs from your own. A person’s past impurity is an obstacle the devil likes...

Just Keep Walking

How to Just Keep Going

Fr. Emmanuel recalls the pilgrimage he took on The Way of St. James (El Camino) in Spain in the summer of 2013. He tells of the time, in the heat...

How to Just Keep Going

Fr. Emmanuel recalls the pilgrimage he took on The Way of St. James (El Camino) in Spain in the summer of 2013. He tells of the time, in the heat...