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Do You Have a Plan for Living?
Jeff discusses the importance of having a personal plan for living that reflects your faith and priorities.
Do You Have a Plan for Living?
Jeff discusses the importance of having a personal plan for living that reflects your faith and priorities.

Moaning and Groaning in Lent
Jeff connects the Israelites' 40 years in the wilderness, filled with complaints against Moses, God, and their circumstances, with our modern-day complaints.
Moaning and Groaning in Lent
Jeff connects the Israelites' 40 years in the wilderness, filled with complaints against Moses, God, and their circumstances, with our modern-day complaints.

Embracing Fruitful Inconveniences
Small acts of kindness can have a profound impact on others. Jeff reflects on the power of small acts of kindness in the Body of Christ.
Embracing Fruitful Inconveniences
Small acts of kindness can have a profound impact on others. Jeff reflects on the power of small acts of kindness in the Body of Christ.

The Impatient Sandwich: A Response to Frustration
Do you find it hard to be patient? Jeff discusses how hope and prayer are essential in developing the virtue of patience.
The Impatient Sandwich: A Response to Frustration
Do you find it hard to be patient? Jeff discusses how hope and prayer are essential in developing the virtue of patience.

Memento Mori: Remember Your Death
What happens in the final moments of our lives? Jeff shares his personal experience as he faces his mother's imminent passing.
Memento Mori: Remember Your Death
What happens in the final moments of our lives? Jeff shares his personal experience as he faces his mother's imminent passing.

Should Catholics Attend Protestant Bible Studie...
How do we study and interpret Scripture? Jeff explains the different senses of Scripture and the cannon that the Catholic Church uses.
Should Catholics Attend Protestant Bible Studie...
How do we study and interpret Scripture? Jeff explains the different senses of Scripture and the cannon that the Catholic Church uses.