Make Your Home a Holy Place (with Pamela Niles and Haylee Minihan)

Make Your Home a Holy Place (with Pamela Niles and Haylee Minihan)

Danielle Bean

Many of us want to make our home a holy place and build a “domestic church” that will encourage our kids to grow in their faith, but we get stuck on the “how” to do that. It might seem like everyone else is living liturgically and praying as a family, but we don’t know where to begin. Today’s guests are here to help with that!

Take what you have been given in the Mass beyond the doors of the parish and into your home.

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To go beyond the podcast, join us at the Girlfriends Community, an encouraging and supportive online community for Catholic women from all walks of life.
Pamela Niles and Halylee Minihan are two friends who, together with their husbands, have authored an important and helpful book – Living Beyond Sunday: Making your Home a Holy Place. In the book, they walk you through ways of setting up your home, and your family’s daily routines, in a way that encourages everyone to grow in holiness and prayer. We chat about what to do if you aren’t a “crafty” mom and some simple ways to observe important seasons like Advent and Lent. You are going to love these encouraging and inspiring moms!

Song of the Week: This week’s special song is By and By by Camp. This is a favorite on one of my family’s driving playlists. What do you like to listen to when you drive?


To go beyond the podcast, join us at the Girlfriends Community, an encouraging and supportive online community for Catholic women from all walks of life.


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