Jesus’ Five Love Languages

Jesus’ Five Love Languages

Danielle Bean

Are you familiar with the Five Love Languages, a concept popularized by author Dr. Gary Chapman? Today, let’s look at the love languages in terms of our relationship with Jesus. Jesus is fully God and fully human. We sometimes forget that Jesus is truly human, though. It can be helpful sometimes to reflect on the very human ways that he loves us and wants to connect with us. Let’s do that today with the idea of the five love languages. How does Jesus want you to love him in each of these ways?

Snippet of the Show

Do we ever stop to realize that Jesus delights in being loved back? Jesus is fully God and fully human, our love consoles his heart.

My new book, Whisper: Finding God in the Everyday, is still available for pre-order! We will be hosting a mini book club, right here in the podcast, beginning in June. I hope you will join us!

Five Love Languages:

  1. Words of Affirmation

We can love Jesus and thank him in our prayers, but also in our conversations with others.

  1. Quality Time

We can make daily prayer time a priority and not allow other things to take up that space in our daily routines.

  1. Physical Touch

We can connect with Jesus’ physical presence through the sacraments -- especially the Eucharist and Confession.

  1. Acts of Service

We can look for ways to offer up small sacrifices for the love of God.

  1. Receiving Gifts

The gift Jesus wants most from us is the gift of ourselves. We can consecrate our lives to him and give him our life, our work, and our will.

At the end of today’s show, I share with you how you can get access to the free playlist I put together for Whisper: Finding God in the Everyday. It’s a collection of songs that I find inspiring on the themes I cover in the book, and I hope you will enjoy listening and praying along with it too. You can get the playlist when you text the word WHISPER to 33-777

I have received so much feedback from all of you about my book and the first chapter that I shared with you at the end of episode 210. Giving Thanks and Letting Go: Reflections on the Gift of Motherhood is a book in which I share from my heart about the very real changes, challenges, triumphs, and joys of being a mom in an “emptying nest.” You can read that sample chapter at Ave Maria Press.

My book, You Are Enough: What Women of the Bible Teach You About Your Mission and Worth, is available for order! Use the code, GIRLFRIENDS to receive ten percent off your order. Don’t miss out on this special available exclusively to listeners of the Girlfriends podcast.

Have feedback or an idea to share? I would love to hear from you!


The Sacred That Surrounds Us: How Everything in a Catholic Church Points to Heaven


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