Inspiring Teens and Training Catholic Lectors: Two Practical Applications
Have you ever wondered how to go about training Catholic lectors or how to inspire teens as they begin preparing for confirmation?
In this special episode of Every Knee Shall Bow, hear two practical applications where Michael Gormley preaches first to confirmation teens and then to lectors at his parish.
Snippet from the Show
"We shall not approach the text of the Word of God so casually when we are in the midst of the Liturgy. This is not a performance. This is a proclamation."
Part 1: Inspiring Teens Who Are Preparing for Confirmation
In this first talk, Michael "Gomer" Gormley uses humor and personal testimony to relate to teens as they embark on their journey towards confirmation. During his presentation, he holds up one of the Church's newly canonized saints, St. Cardinal Henry Newman, as a model for Catholics who question and seek:
- St. Cardinal Henry Newman - “A thousand questions does not a single doubt make.”
If you're interested in learning more about how to give a talk to Catholic teens, check out this earlier episode of Every Knee Shall Bow: "Preparing a Talk for High School Students."
Part 2: Training Catholic Lectors
In this second talk given to Catholic lectors in training, Michael "Gomer" Gormley explains the gravity and beauty of proclaiming God's word. Listen to how he connects a lector's role with personal spirituality and the goal of conversion. Here are the quotes he references during this presentation:
Dei Verbum - “The Holy Spirit is the principle divine author of sacred scripture” Read the rest here
Pope St. John Paul II - “I use the word communion not community because I don’t want people thinking the Church is a sociological reality, it is first a theological reality.”
Romans 5:14 - “Yet death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those whose sins were not like the transgression of Adam, who was a type of the one who was to come.” Read the rest here
Romans 6:3-4 - “Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.” Read the rest here
St. Teresa of Avila - “If you want to hear God talk to you, read scripture. If you want to see a miracle, go to Mass.”
- Francis Chan - “Imagine someone told you, ‘I want you to go to the nearest cemetery, and I want you to pray fervently to raise one person from the dead. Not the whole cemetery just one person.’ Who would you take with you?... I’ll tell ya who I’d take: I’d take that person who's known for always coming into the presence of God. Because to raise the dead is a miracle. And isn’t that what conversion is?”
- Chosen: Your Journey Towards Confirmation
- 1 Corinthians 15
- Romans Bible Study
- The Great Adventure Bible
- The Bible Timeline Chart
- Ephesians 1
Meet Your Hosts
Michael “Gomer” Gormley
Michael has been leading evangelization and ministry efforts for the past ten years, both as a full-time parish staff member and as a speaker and consultant for parishes, dioceses, and Catholic campus ministries.
He is also the founder and creative director of, and the producer and cohost of a Catholic young adult podcast Catching Foxes, which discusses the collision of Faith and Culture.
He is married to his college sweetheart, Shannon. Together they have about 1,000 children and get about 3 hours of sleep a night, which is alright by him.
David “Dave” VanVickle
Dave VanVickle fell in love with the Lord at the age of fourteen. Since then, he has dedicated his life to bringing others into a radical relationship with Christ.
He is a speaker and retreat leader. His programs focuses on proclaiming the universal call to holiness, authentic Catholic spirituality, spiritual warfare and deliverance. Additionally, Dave has over ten years of experience assisting Priests with their ministries of exorcism and deliverance.
Dave resides in Pittsburgh with his wife Amber and their five children: Sam, Max, Judah, Josie and Louisa.