How to Make a Big Decision
Are you struggling to make a big decision? It can be so distressing to weigh pros and cons and worry about the consequences of an important decision. Danielle shares ideas to assist you in your decision making.
Snippet from the Show
Do not allow indecision to steal your peace.
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Remember You Can Change Your Mind
Most decisions we make, even big ones, are not truly irreversible. You can find a lot of peace by reminding yourself that if it doesn;t work out, you can always change your mind and decide something else.
Of course we need to be praying and asking God for guidance, especially about a big decision we are trying to make, but sometimes, in the stress of it all, we forget to do that. Make sure you take the time to pray about an important decision and then spend some time really listening to what God might be calling you to do.
Seek Advice
Do your research! Read books about the topic, talk to people who have experience, and look it up online. But beware of getting stuck in his stage with “analysis paralysis.” Know when enough research is enough.
Talk to People on Both Sides
Talk to people who have made the same big decision in different ways. If you are wondering about sending your kids to private school versus public school for example, spend some time talking to parents who do each of those things and ask for their honest thoughts about the costs and benefits of each choice.
Make A List
Writing down the pros and cons of any particular decision is a simple way to clarify what you are considering. Writing a list like this might make the best choice obvious,if there are many more pros than cons, for example. It can also help to take some of the ruminating out of your mind and put it on paper in a way that feels manageable and can relieve some of your stress.
Just Do It
After you have thought it through and consulted the experts and done your research and made your lists, the time has come to justdecied already! Do not get stuck in an unending decision-making mode. Make the best decision you can and trust God with the outcome!
Listener Question (25:23)
Listener Michele shares more information on the Resurrection Rolls recipe.