
Check out This Week's Roundup of Media Content

Check out This Week's Roundup of Media Content

The Ascension Team

Things are really heating up this summer, especially on our media channels. Below you will find a roundup of our new videos, podcasts, and articles on freedom, grace, the sacraments,...

Check out This Week's Roundup of Media Content

The Ascension Team

Things are really heating up this summer, especially on our media channels. Below you will find a roundup of our new videos, podcasts, and articles on freedom, grace, the sacraments,...

Form and Matter in the Sacraments (Continued)

Form and Matter in the Sacraments (Continued)

Matt Dunn

In this post we continue our look at form, matter, and intent in sacraments. Previously, we explored the who, what, when, where, and how of the sacraments of initiation. As...

Form and Matter in the Sacraments (Continued)

Matt Dunn

In this post we continue our look at form, matter, and intent in sacraments. Previously, we explored the who, what, when, where, and how of the sacraments of initiation. As...

Could Islam Be Called a Heresy?

Could Islam Be Called a Heresy?

Nicholas LaBanca

Over the centuries, the Catholic Church has seen many of her children rebel against her with all sorts of bad ideas, blasphemies, and outright heretical statements. The list is long...

Could Islam Be Called a Heresy?

Nicholas LaBanca

Over the centuries, the Catholic Church has seen many of her children rebel against her with all sorts of bad ideas, blasphemies, and outright heretical statements. The list is long...

The Missions of Sts. Peter and Paul Passed on to Us

The Missions of Sts. Peter and Paul Passed on t...

Nicholas LaBanca

Christian devotion to Saints Peter and Paul is of a most ancient origin. The special Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul has always been celebrated in Rome, at least since...

The Missions of Sts. Peter and Paul Passed on t...

Nicholas LaBanca

Christian devotion to Saints Peter and Paul is of a most ancient origin. The special Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul has always been celebrated in Rome, at least since...

Liberty, How Can We Rediscover You?

Liberty, How Can We Rediscover You?

Anthony Yetzer

If you enter the old CIA headquarters lobby, one thing you will notice are the words of Christ chiseled into the marble wall. Taken from John 8:32, the engraving reads:...

Liberty, How Can We Rediscover You?

Anthony Yetzer

If you enter the old CIA headquarters lobby, one thing you will notice are the words of Christ chiseled into the marble wall. Taken from John 8:32, the engraving reads:...

Embracing Confirmation Prep as a Challenge and an Opportunity

Embracing Confirmation Prep as a Challenge and ...

Patrick McCabe

When asked why he first decided to write and develop a Confirmation program, Chris Stefanick said, “Confirmation is one of those few intersections that the Church—in all its beauty and...

Embracing Confirmation Prep as a Challenge and ...

Patrick McCabe

When asked why he first decided to write and develop a Confirmation program, Chris Stefanick said, “Confirmation is one of those few intersections that the Church—in all its beauty and...