Check out This Week's Roundup of Media Content
The Ascension TeamThings are really heating up this summer, especially on our media channels. Below you will find a roundup of our new videos, podcasts, and articles on freedom, grace, the sacraments, and more.
Ascension Presents
Fr. Mike Schmitz
Freedom and Its Consequences
Fr. Mike points out the false lesson of Disney’s The Little Mermaid, which fails to show that freedom to do whatever you want has consequences. He teaches that true freedom is the ability to do what one ought to do. This is the Christian idea of freedom found in the Bible, and it was the idea of freedom the founders of the U.S. knew could not be abandoned if their country was to survive. This Independence Day, and every day, let’s live by the Christian, and only true, idea of freedom. Watch video …
Encountering the Word
When We Are Weak, Christ Is Strong in Us
In this week’s Encountering the Word video for the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Jeff Cavins offers some truly inspiring words to help us have faith in the fact that God’s grace is sufficient for us. The readings are:
First Reading: Ezekiel 2:2-5
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 123:1-2, 2, 3-4
First Reading: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10
Alleluia: cf. Luke 4:18
Gospel: Mark 6:1-6
The CFRs
God Trusts the Weak
On his ordination day, Father Mark-Mary experienced one of the most embarrassing moments of his life as he sat in St. Patrick’s Cathedral. It involved his stole (a priestly garment) and thousands of people having their eyes on him. As he reflects on the experience, he calls the whole thing “just perfect” because it demonstrates how God chooses the least likely people to be his priests.
Learn more about the CFRs at franciscanfriars.com.
Happy 4th of July & an Important Announcement!
This week’s episode is a quick one, as Allen announces a new summer pace for the podcast and the launch of a new version of Ascension Roundtable in September. Do you have comments, questions, or topic suggestions for the Ascension Roundtable hosts? Use the comment box below or email us at ascensionroundtable@ascensionpress.com. You may hear your question or comment in an upcoming podcast episode! Listen …
Here are the Answers to Your Prayer Excuses
Do you make prayer excuses? Don’t lie. We all come up with creative ways to avoid doing what we know we should do—pray! In this week’s show, I share some ways to respond to ourselves when we are tempted to make up excuses for why we aren’t praying more. Listen …
Vasectomies, Death of a Family Member, Prayer Journaling, and Gay Relationships
Fr. Josh answers questions about what to do if you had a vasectomy prior to having a conversion, how to regain faith after the death of a loved one, prayer journaling, and gay relationships within your family. If you have a question, comment, or a response for Fr. Josh, email us at askfrjosh@ascensionpress.com. You may hear your question or comment in an upcoming podcast episode! Listen …