Exercising Your Faith Muscle: God's Promise to a Panting Abraham
Thomas SmithOver 4,000 years ago, God called a man named Abram (later, changing his name to Abraham) out of the Ur of the Chaldees, promising him a new land and a new life. Abraham demonstrated his faith by walking in that call/promise made to him in his seventy-fifth year. Each step of his nine hundred mile journey to the Promised Land was his faith in action.
Abraham was anything but perfect. His faith was sometimes faltering, and other times failed all together (remember his “Plan B” with Hagar?). Ultimately, he persevered in faith and was able to see the seed of the full promise God gave him (Genesis 21:1-2).
Rather than being scandalized by his imperfect faith, I am encouraged to keep pressing on in my own, knowing that faith grows only when it is exercised.
Your Faith Has a Destination
Perhaps the most poetic tribute to Abraham is found in Hebrews 11. This chapter is Israel’s Hall of Faith. Here, Abraham and his wife Sarah are recognized as people who “considered him
In a mysterious way, Abraham realized that it was not merely a physical tract of land that God was seeking to give him, but it was the City of God to which Abraham was journeying.
This is an important principle for us to keep in mind as we continue our journey with God in 2014. We are not aimlessly wandering through this world. Faith has a destination.
Each time we trust in God, we are a step closer to the promises he has made to the followers of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:9). As children of the ancient patriarch through faith (Galatians 3:7), we too are seeking the city “whose architect and builder is God” (Hebrews 11:10).
Prayer: God our Father, thank you for giving us examples of faith like Abraham. As we walk with reverence and joy through 2019, renew our faith, and direct our hearts to our true home—you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
This article was first published on The Great Adventure Blog on January 28, 2014.
Featured photo by Victor Freitas on Unsplash
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About Thomas Smith
Thomas Smith is the co-author of Wisdom: God’s Vision for Life, Revelation: The Kingdom Yet to Come and The Prophets: Messengers of God’s Mercy. He is an international presenter for The Great Adventure Bible Timeline. Bringing a wealth of experience and insight on the Word of God to audiences across the U.S., Thomas is a repeat guest on EWTN and Catholic radio as well as a sought after parish mission and conference speaker. Thomas Smith has taught as an adjunct professor at the St. Francis School of Theology in Denver, and is the former Director of the Denver Catholic Biblical School and the Denver Catechetical School. He lives on his family ranch in southeastern Idaho and writes for his website www.gen215.org.