I have been reading the Bible along with 'The Bible Timeline, The Story of Salvation'. Ok, so I was putting off buying this Bible as I have several others already but following the Timeline Chart I have been trying to read the entire Bible in the process. I've been doing pretty good following the process but have gone beyond my readings a couple of times which, for me, makes it harder to answer the questions at a later date. I recently received this Bible and read some of the material in front; looking through it I can plainly see how much better I will be able to follow along, I love it! I love the colored tabs for the books of the Bible and how they coincide with the twelve periods of Salvation History. The tab will have two colors when the particular book lines up with two different periods, and those two colors land precisely where the periods break from the different time period. That will help me stay better on track as I take on all the readings. There are so many helpful markings to make this the ideal Bible to follow and better understand our Salvation History; I highly recommend this to anyone who really wants to understand our history and where we fit into it.
Thank you Ascension and Jeff Cavins and all of you that brought this to fruition. Moving forward, this is a Bible I will recommend to others! May God Bless You All!!