NEW: Rejoice & Be Glad! A Journey Through Christmas with the Holy Family

Find lasting peace at the manger this Christmas.

Do you seek fulfillment from within or in the world? Do you go to God for comfort or to something else? Do you search for peace within or without?

We often spend weeks anticipating Christmas Day, only to feel a lingering emptiness when it's over because we know there’s something deeper than the holiday sentimentality and gift exchanges.

If we take the posture of quiet attentiveness the shepherds did long ago, we can find the peace that comes only from God. This peace is one the secular world can never provide, for we know we have been found by a God who became man not only to redeem us but to be actively involved in each one of our lives.

New this Christmas, journey with Fr. Mark Toup’s prayer journal, Rejoice & Be Glad! A Journey Through Christmas with the Holy Family. Following the same format as his award-winning Lent and Advent journals, this journal invites you into silence as you reflect on daily meditations highlighting significant scriptural events following Jesus’ birth.

Throughout the Christmas season, the journal will help you delight in God's promise to send a Savior and rest in the wonder and mystery of the Incarnation. Emmanuel is with you, whether your life is tranquil or troubled, merry or messy.

He wants to give you peace. Join the Holy Family, shepherds, and magi at the manger, and don’t be afraid to open your heart to the joy of His presence this Christmas season.

What does Rejoice & Be Glad! offer?

Roundtable kickoff video (approx. 25 minutes)

Full-color Christmas journal with daily meditations, prayers, and original artwork

4 weekly supplemental Christmas reflection videos (approx. 10 minutes each)

Each day, you'll find...

  • A word - Focus on a single word each day to help you enter more deeply into the theme of that week’s readings.
  • A reflection - Read a short reflection and meditate on Scripture.

  • A prompt - Journal every day. Write down your thoughts and the stirrings in your heart as Our Lord speaks to you this Christmas.

* click to expand images

Look Out For

Family Resources

The Family Resources feature prayers, inspirational quotes, discussion questions, and activities that align thematically with each week’s journal meditations. We hope these resources will help you and your loved ones prepare your hearts for a meaningful encounter with Baby Jesus this Christmas.


QR Codes

Look for the video icon QR code throughout the journal to know which days of your Christmas journey you can also watch one of the weekly videos.


Fr. Mark Toups

We want as many Catholics as possible to experience a meaningful Christmas season centered on what truly matters, so we're offering NEW bulk pricing this year for as low as $2.50 per copy for parishes and small groups.

Hand your parishioners this prayerful journal so that they can ponder the miracle of the Incarnation at their own pace as they rest and celebrate throughout the Christmas season!

Rejoice & Be Glad! is available in English and Spanish.
The DVD is in English with the choice of English or Spanish subtitles.

Rejoice and Be Glad, A Journey Through Christmas with the Holy Family, Journal

Rejoice and Be Glad, A Journey Through Christmas with the Holy Family, Journal

from $ 13.95

Find lasting peace at the manger this Christmas season.In this new installment of the Rejoice! series, Fr. Mark Toups guides you on a transformativ...

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Rejoice and Be Glad, A Journey Through Christmas with the Holy Family, DVD

Rejoice and Be Glad, A Journey Through Christmas with the Holy Family, DVD

$ 20.95

This DVD offers videos featuring Fr. Mark Toups designed to accompany Rejoice and Be Glad, a Journey Through Christmas with the Holy Family, Journa...

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Rejoice and Be Glad, A Journey Through Christmas with the Holy Family, Starter Pack

Rejoice and Be Glad, A Journey Through Christmas with the Holy Family, Starter Pack

$ 34.95

This starter pack equips you with a beautiful journal to help you enter prayerfully into the Christmas season and a DVD to accompany you along the ...

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¡Alégrate, llena de gracia! Un viaje por la Navidad con la Sagrada Familia, El Diario

¡Alégrate, llena de gracia! Un viaje por la Navidad con la Sagrada Familia, El Diario

from $ 13.95

 Encuentra una paz duradera en el pesebre esta Navidad. En esta nueva publicación de la serie ¡Alégrate!, el P. Mark Toups te guía en un viaje tran...

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¡Alégrate, llena de gracia! Un viaje por la Navidad con la Sagrada Familia, Paquete de Inicio

¡Alégrate, llena de gracia! Un viaje por la Navidad con la Sagrada Familia, Paquete de Inicio

$ 34.95

El Paquete de Inicio incluye un Libro de Meditaciones para ayudarte a comenzar la Navidad en oración y un DVD para acompañarte en el camino.  ¡Alég...

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