Un Paseo Bíblico a través de la Misa

por Dr. Edward Sri

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Un Paseo Bíblico a través de la Misa

Este programa de cinco partes, lleva a los participantes por un recorrido emocionante a través de la Liturgia. Explora las raices bíblicas de las palabras y los gestos que usamos en la Misa y explica su profundo significado. Entienda, tal vez por primera vez, porque decimos lo que decimos y hacemos lo que hacemos cada semana en la Misa. Las palabras y los gestos serán vistos en una nueva luz, que dará vida nueva a su experiencia litúrgica.

Su grupo...

  • Aprenderá los antecedentes bíblicos de las palabras, oraciones, y los gestos de la Liturgia.
  • Descubrirá como la Misa representa (hace presente) verdaderamente el sacrificio redentor de Cristo en la Cruz.
  • Explorará los tres aspectos claves de la Misa: un Sacrificio, Presencia Real y Sagrada Comunión.
  • Adquirirá conocimientos muy útiles para poder aprovechar al máximo cada Misa
  • ... y mucho más!

How To Run This Study

For the best study experience, our recommendation is for study participants to purchase the Student Pack. This gives you everything you need to participate in the study, including a workbook and online video access for 12 months.

Already enrolled? Access the videos here

You will be required to make a free account on Thinkific, the platform Ascension has partnered with to deliver the study experience online. This only needs to be done once. The Thinkific account is separate from your Ascension account.  

We are here for you every step of the way! Ascension is dedicated to helping Catholics have an amazing study experience. Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can help in any way.

For Group Leaders

If you are a group leader, our recommendation for you is to purchase the Starter Pack. This pack will give you everything you need to lead this study, from DVDs and online video access to the study materials to the leader's guide.

What's it like to run an Ascension study?

Glad you asked!

Ascension's studies are designed so anyone can uncover the richness of our faith and have a meaningful small group experience.

Each participant will use their workbook to do some reading before meeting as a group. The workbooks will help guide small group discussion too, with questions to spark conversation (and answers to the questions too).

After small group discussion, participants watch the corresponding video session, where an engaging Catholic expert offers unique insights and profound connections to help them gain a deeper understanding of the topic.

The workbooks also contain a simple breakdown of how to run each study.

Ascension has been making small group study programs for almost two decades, so we're confident if you run an Ascension study you will have an amazing experience!


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Un Paseo bíblico a través de la Misa [Online Video Access]

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