

Speak Your Neighbor's Love Language

Speak Your Neighbor’s Love Language

Many of us know that learning how to speak the five love languages is a great way to improve your relationships with those who are close to you. Fr. Mark-Mary...

Speak Your Neighbor’s Love Language

Many of us know that learning how to speak the five love languages is a great way to improve your relationships with those who are close to you. Fr. Mark-Mary...

Make Time for Adoration

Make Time for Adoration

Following up on his video about what to do in Eucharistic Adoration, Fr. Josh Johnson offers some practical tools and techniques to help you make time for Adoration, by asking...

Make Time for Adoration

Following up on his video about what to do in Eucharistic Adoration, Fr. Josh Johnson offers some practical tools and techniques to help you make time for Adoration, by asking...

A Message to Men About Abortion

Why Men Are Also Responsible for Abortion

Bobby Angel makes it clear that men are just as responsible for abortion as women are. Men are responsible for protecting woman from circumstances that lead to abortion. As Pope...

Why Men Are Also Responsible for Abortion

Bobby Angel makes it clear that men are just as responsible for abortion as women are. Men are responsible for protecting woman from circumstances that lead to abortion. As Pope...

Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

Jeff Cavins offers his insights on the readings for this Sunday, The Baptism of the Lord: First Reading: Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 29:1-2, 3-4, 9-10Second Reading: Acts 10:34-38Gospel: Luke...

Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

Jeff Cavins offers his insights on the readings for this Sunday, The Baptism of the Lord: First Reading: Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 29:1-2, 3-4, 9-10Second Reading: Acts 10:34-38Gospel: Luke...

Investing God's Gift of Faith

How to Get Future-Proof Faith

Fr. Mark-Mary tells us how to stock up on faith for the future by keeping in mind the proof of God’s love in times passed. Using a concept called “identity...

How to Get Future-Proof Faith

Fr. Mark-Mary tells us how to stock up on faith for the future by keeping in mind the proof of God’s love in times passed. Using a concept called “identity...

What To Do in Adoration

What Do We Do in Adoration?

There are many things we can do during Eucharistic Adoration, but to make the time most effective there are certain things we should do. Fr. Josh puts forth some simple...

What Do We Do in Adoration?

There are many things we can do during Eucharistic Adoration, but to make the time most effective there are certain things we should do. Fr. Josh puts forth some simple...