
Need a Change? Hit Pause and Make Space
Are you wanting to make a significant change in your spiritual life? Are you discerning how to grow in service to others or how to foster more community in your...
Need a Change? Hit Pause and Make Space
Are you wanting to make a significant change in your spiritual life? Are you discerning how to grow in service to others or how to foster more community in your...

6 Ways to Prevent Burnout (feat. Lisa Cotter)
Are you feeling overwhelmed and exhausted? Do you wish you could take a long nap right now? Today, Lisa Cotter shares six amazing ways to prevent burnout and find peace...
6 Ways to Prevent Burnout (feat. Lisa Cotter)
Are you feeling overwhelmed and exhausted? Do you wish you could take a long nap right now? Today, Lisa Cotter shares six amazing ways to prevent burnout and find peace...

Burnt Out? Try This Next Time (feat. Mari Pablo)
Are you struggling and feeling overwhelmed in the face of all the current issues plaguing the Church? Does adding one more activity to your life make you want to burst...
Burnt Out? Try This Next Time (feat. Mari Pablo)
Are you struggling and feeling overwhelmed in the face of all the current issues plaguing the Church? Does adding one more activity to your life make you want to burst...

5 Catholic Hacks to Bring You Peace of Mind (fe...
Do you consider yourself an expert in all things Catholic? Do you have assorted collections of religious articles throughout your home? Do you pride yourself on having the local parish...
5 Catholic Hacks to Bring You Peace of Mind (fe...
Do you consider yourself an expert in all things Catholic? Do you have assorted collections of religious articles throughout your home? Do you pride yourself on having the local parish...

How Should Catholics Celebrate Halloween?
Today, Fr. Josh tackles the question, "How should Catholics celebrate Halloween?" Did you know that Halloween has its roots in a Catholic solemnity? How has secular culture changed the holiday?...
How Should Catholics Celebrate Halloween?
Today, Fr. Josh tackles the question, "How should Catholics celebrate Halloween?" Did you know that Halloween has its roots in a Catholic solemnity? How has secular culture changed the holiday?...

Authentic Living like St Francis of Assisi
In our modern world of selfies, Tik Tok, and “Instagram vs reality” do you find that you struggle with portraying different versions of yourself to different people? Today, Fr. Mark-Mary...
Authentic Living like St Francis of Assisi
In our modern world of selfies, Tik Tok, and “Instagram vs reality” do you find that you struggle with portraying different versions of yourself to different people? Today, Fr. Mark-Mary...