Who Are Some of the Black Catholic Saints I Haven’t Heard of?

Who Are Some of the Black Catholic Saints I Haven’t Heard of?

The Ascension Team

If you've got a question for Fr. Josh, comment below with #AskFrJosh or share a Glory Story of how God has worked in your life with #GloryStory. Your question or story may be featured in the next video!

Today, Fr. Josh answers a comment from John Sayre: "#AskFrJosh Is there a way I could get a list of the saints that Father mentioned in this video? I'll be honest I was not familiar with most of those names. I'd like to learn more about them. I know Aquinas, Francis, and St Martin de Pores because my birthday is on his feast day, beyond that a lot of those names were new to me. Thank you so much for the information."

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