What Are Some Creative Ways to Enter Into Lent?

What Are Some Creative Ways to Enter Into Lent?

The Ascension Team

If you've got a question for Fr. Josh, comment below with #AskFrJosh or share a Glory Story of how God has worked in your life with #GloryStory. Your question or story may be featured in the next video!

Today, Fr. Josh answers a comment from Amy P.: "I think we can do other things besides "giving up" something. Why don't we GIVE something for Lent? Giving is also a sacrifice of sorts. For me, l need to give more of my time to God. I haven't been in prayer enough or in the word of God enough. I'm asking God to help me do this because he is more than worth my all. He created me and he has done different things to make me pay more attention. Please pray for me that I will be more focused on him."
