The Key to Discernment

The Key to Discernment

The Ascension Team

Who would have thought algebra and data could be the key to discernment?

Fr. Mike explains that the discernment journey isn’t always about having this epiphany moment where your life’s purpose immediately becomes clear to you.

The key to discernment and figuring out God’s will for your life is a step-by-step process where you gather data, so you can come closer to the answer you’re looking for.

That’s how Fr. Mike found his vocation as a priest.

It required a lot prayer, time in adoration, talking with others, and visits to seminaries. Only once he had gathered enough data to be able to “solve for x” was he certain that the priesthood was the right choice.

Check out Fr. Mike’s newest project, Quick Catholic Lessons with Fr. Mike, a feature-packed teacher’s guide designed to accompany Fr. Mike’s most popular videos, presented on a convenient DVD.

Teachers, catechists, and youth ministers can supplement USCCB curriculum, prompt small-group discussion, and answer students’ questions easily and powerfully with this teacher’s guide and DVD.
