Running Away from God
The Ascension TeamThough he was running away from God, the Father slowly but surely worked on his heart to bring him home.
Brother Malachy goes back to his rebellious teenager years to share the story of how he ended up as a Franciscan Friar. This is just the beginning of Br. Malachy's powerful conversion story, check back next week for the conclusion.
After being suspended from school, being a roadie with some southeast bands, and finally having a genuine conversation with a priest who was a friend of his family, Brother Malachy was brought to tears as he noticed how God never abandoned him even through all of his years spent running away from God.
Fr. Mark-Mary and Brother Malachy invite you to pray, asking God to reveal to you the beauty he sees in you as his son or daughter.
Learn more about the CFRs here.
If you’ve been watching the CFR’s videos on Ascension Presents regularly, you’ve probably noticed how they’re popularized the phrase, “Somos peregrinos. Poco a poco, vamos a llegar” (We are pilgrims. Little by little, we will arrive.)
Now you can buy your own music and swag to spread that message even further with the Poco a Poco collection.