Pray with Us: The Feminine Genius Rosary

Pray with Us: The Feminine Genius Rosary

The Ascension Team

DISCLAIMER: I am not trying to add mysteries to the Rosary, the mysteries of the Rosary are the Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious, and Luminous mysteries. This prayer was something that I perceived to be beneficial to my prayer life and thought others might benefit from this as well.

Saint Catherine of Siena (Doctor of the Church) said that God told her: “If men will humbly receive the teachings I send them through women, I will show them great mercy.” As we meditate on how Jesus interacted with ordinary women in the Bible, I hope we are better able to enter into his infinite love.

In this Rosary, we will walk with:

  • the woman at the well (John 4:1-42)
  • the hemorrhaging woman (Mark 5:25-34)
  • the woman caught in adultery (John 8:3-11)
  • Martha and Mary (Luke 10:38-42)
  • The Blessed Mother Mary and the women in the Book of Acts (Acts 1:12-14, 2:1-11)

If you believe this prayer would help you grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ through the intercession of Our Blessed Mother, I humbly invite you to pray with me.

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