Is This the End of the World? Maybe.
The Ascension TeamThe end of the world has been a main subject in countless stories and even religions. But is the end really near? Fr. John Anthony Boughton, CFR, has some thought-provoking answers.
Karol Wojtyla, before becoming Pope John Paul II said in 1979:
“We are now standing in the face of the greatest historical confrontation humanity has gone through. I do not think that wide circles of the American society or wide circles of the Christian community realize this fully. We are now facing the final confrontation between the Church and the anti-church, of the gospel versus the anti-gospel. This confrontation lies within the plans of divine providence. It is a trial which the whole Church, and the Polish Church in particular must take up. It’s a trial not only in our nation and the Church but in a sense a test of two thousand years of culture, of Christian civilization and all its consequences for human dignity, individual rights, human rights, and the rights of nations.”
Our Lady has talked about things to come. She prophesied about the French Revolution and it happened. In Fatima she said Russia would spread its errors over the entire planet if Catholics did not consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart. We didn’t, and in many ways have suffered for it. But Mary also said in the end her heart will triumph.
This does not necessarily mean the end of the world is coming now. All our worlds will end at the end of our lives, and that’s what really matters. Knowing where we are in the larger story of humanity can help give us perspective, though.
George Weigel talks about five epical shifts in the history of Christendom:
- The fall of the Roman Empire
- The division between Eastern and Western Christianity
- The Protestant Reformation
- The Enlightenment and French Revolution
- Present Day
We may be partaking in Christ’s passion as a world, and as the Church, but that only means a resurrection is coming. What do we do to ensure we partake in that resurrection? Mary said:
- Pray the Rosary.
- Do penance through prayer and fasting, especially for the conversion of others.
- Make decisions according to what’s true, just, and right.
Do what Mary tells us, and you’ll be ready for whatever end comes.
More resources on Our Lady of Fatima:
- Fatima for Today by Fr. Andrew Apostoli
- “A Fatima Movie for Our Times”