How To Stop Being Petty
The Ascension TeamFr. Mark-Mary offers three ways to help us stop being petty:
- Make a firm resolve to not be a petty person.
- Pray the serenity prayer. Do what you can, accept what you can’t.
- Put things into perspective. Remember Christ’s passion.
He warns us that pettiness is like a seed that grows in us. Everyday habits of the ones we love can begin to negatively affect our relationship with them if we allow that seed to grow. Being petty may seem like a petty matter itself, but if we become too petty of a person we may become a heartbreaker.
When you feel yourself getting petty over something, practice these three habits that Fr. Mark-Mary mentions to avoid the plague of pettiness, and grow holier in the process.
As Fr. Mark-Mary always says, “We are pilgrims. Little by little, we will get there.”
Meet Fr. Mark-Mary

Father Mark-Mary was ordained as a Franciscan Friar of the Renewal (CFR) in 2018 and lives at a friary in the Bronx.
The mission of the CFRs is to wholeheartedly embrace Jesus through fidelity to the Church and her Sacraments. Paired with their commitment to prayer, contemplation, and study of Sacred Scripture, the CFRs serve those around them, especially the poor, in the footsteps of Christ.
Discover beautiful music from the CFRs here.