When God Interrupts Your Day

How to Say Yes to God

The Ascension Team

Sometimes God calls us at, what we would consider, the most inconvenient moment, but each of those moments is an opportunity to say yes to God.

Father Mark-Mary and Brother Malachy share the thoughts going through their heads when the bell in the friary calls them to prayer early in the morning, or in the middle of the day. They may think sleep or some other task is more important than prayer, but the Lord barges into their lives everyday to remind them that their initial yes implies a daily yes to do his will.

We all experience these small interruptions everyday. If you feel God asking you to spend time with him, whether you're in the middle of the workday, about to enjoy something, or just really tired, take a few minutes to say yes to God's invitation.

By saying yes in these small ways, our lives will be conformed to him in a much greater way over time.
