How to Pray for Your Future Spouse
The Ascension TeamIf you’re wondering how to pray for your future spouse, one thing to keep in mind is that God wants to free you from any anxiety about your future. Praying about and for your future spouse does matter because God is outside of time, and he wants your will to freely conform to his perfect and eternal will.
“Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4:6-7
There is no such thing as soul mates because we have free will. Nonetheless, God does have a hand in our future and in who we marry. He is the underlying cause of everything, and he cares who you marry because who you marry will affect future generations.
Sometimes we take the romance of marriage too seriously, to the point where we turn it into an idol. There will not be eternal bliss once you are married, so it’s foolish to place all your hope on how things will be once you find your future spouse. God wants you to live in the here and now, and he wants you to be happy here and now. At the same time though, only he can make you fully happy. When praying for your future spouse it’s important to remember that above all.
“Draw near to God and he will draw near to you” (James 4:8).
You may also like Jackie and Bobby Angel’s book, Pray, Decide, and Don’t Worry.
Meet Jackie and Bobby Angel

Jackie Francois Angel is a full-time worship leader and speaker. Bobby Angel is a campus minister and theology teacher at a Catholic high school. Married in 2013, they have three beautiful children and strive to grow in holiness each day!