How to Go to Confession (COMPLETE Step-by-Step Catholic Guide)
Ascension TeamIf you’ve ever wondered how to go to Confession, what to say, or why it is so essential, Fr. David Michael Moses has the answers. Step by step, he’ll guide you through preparing for and receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation, where you'll encounter the boundless mercy and healing love of our Heavenly Father.
- Step 1: Sin...
- Step 2: Examination of conscience
- Step 3: Look up a confession time
- Step 4: Get to that church!
- Step 5: Find the confessional
- Step 6: Choose a side
- Step 7: Start talking
- Step 8: Make your confession
- Step 9: Apologize
- Step 10: Receive a penance
- Step 11: Say the Act of Contrition
- Step 12: Receive absolution
- Step 13: Do your penance
- Step 14: Leave the church—you're made new again!
Examinations of Conscience:
- https://ascensionpress.com/pages/examination-of-conscience
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Br4kAN5LbH8
- https://ascensionpress.com/pages/examination-of-conscience-free-download-rr
Fr. David Michael Moses was ordained in 2019 and is now the parochial vicar at Christ the Good Shepherd in Spring, Texas. He enjoys writing music and his “Concerts for Life” have collectively raised over $1 million dollars to assist women in crisis pregnancies. Fr. David Michael is the founder of the Pilgrim Rosary project and is also active on social media where he shares stories from priestly life.