shattered dreams

How to Deal with Ruined Plans

The Ascension Team

Father Mark-Mary and Father Malachy, like most of us in these times, have experienced broken plans first hand recently.

Father Malachy wasn’t sure when his ordination would happen, and if it did how many people would be allowed to come. After waiting twelve years, his dreams about his ordination were shattered. He tried to re-plan things. Plan A, Plan B, Plan C ...

None of them worked out. All the while though, God was telling Father Malachy to just trust him.

He decided, sometime before trying Plan G, to just give the broken plan to God. He began to see how God was taking him on a journey to receive ordination as a spiritual gift.

Contrary to original plans, he was ordained on Pentecost, which meant a great deal to him being raised in a charismatic community. Father Malachy noticed, the Lord knows his heart.

While only about a dozen people were allowed to witness the ordination, EWTN came to record it. Tens of thousands of people shared in the occasion. If Father Malachy had held onto his own plans for his ordination, he would have missed out on so many blessings. Thankfully, he gave it all to God and experienced the fullness and fruitfulness of the Father’s will.

“Say yes to the surprises which interrupt your plans and crush your dreams, giving your day and perhaps your life a completely new direction.” — Fr. Robert Stanion, CFR
