How I Avoid Laziness at Home
The Ascension TeamJackie Angel shares some tips that she has found helpful to avoid laziness at home. These tips can be useful during the COVID-19 quarantine, but also for any time when you find yourself with little or nothing you need to do.
Make a schedule. It’s hard to start your day on the right track if you don’t have a track to start on in the first place. Ideally, start and end with prayer.
- Prioritize the state of your soul, body, and mind. Read, read, read. Reading can help your mind, of course, but also your soul. Read Scripture, find a good spiritual book to read, and maybe read something for recreation. For physical activity, don’t forget about gardening. It’s a great thing to do at home while also getting outside. Also, there’s always exercising. Challenge yourself mentally and physically, but don’t forget abut emotional needs. Limit your time on social media, but you don’t need to shut it down completely. Now is also a good time to pray more Rosaries.
- Be creative. Write songs. Draw. Learn how to bake or play an instrument.
We hope these tips were helpful. Stay strong and make these unique times a time for growth, not stagnancy.
Meet Jackie and Bobby Angel

Jackie Francois Angel is a full-time worship leader and speaker. Bobby Angel is a campus minister and theology teacher at a Catholic high school. Married in 2013, they have three beautiful children and strive to grow in holiness each day!