How Diet Affects the Spiritual Life
The Ascension TeamIt’s easy to notice how the things we eat affect our bodies, but we may not notice how our diet also affects our spiritual life.
Father Mark-Mary and Brother Elijah of the CFRs join wellness practitioner Jackie Mulligan as they explore the reasons why we eat. They point out that we should eat not only to nourish the body, but also to nourish the soul; because we don’t just have a body and a soul. We are a body and a soul.
Sometimes nourishing the body and soul means not eating something to give our body a break from it, and to remind ourselves that we don’t need it.
When we eat, it’s important to fill our bodies with what nature gives us, things like animal proteins and plant proteins. But if there’s something we find ourselves unnaturally dependent on, even if it does come from nature, maybe that’s a sign that we should give it up for a while.
Jackie says “What we’re clinging to the most is what we need to take away.”
This is a difficult challenge, but little by little we can do it and draw closer to God.
“May the God of peace himself make you perfectly holy and may you entirely, spirit, soul, and body, be preserved blameless for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."
1 Thessalonians 5:23 (NABRE)
The previous parts in this series:
Learn more about Jackie’s wellness program at reformwellness.co