Fr. David Michael Moses Answers the Internet's Top Questions About Catholics

Fr. David Michael Moses Answers the Internet's Top Questions About Catholics

Ascension Team

Why do Catholics have a pope? Do Catholics worship Mary? Are Catholics even Christian? (spoiler: even Siri knows the answer to that one).

These are the most-asked questions about Catholics—according to the internet—and Fr. David Michael Moses is here to answer them for you:

  1. What is Catholic guilt?
  2. Are Catholics Christian?
  3. Why do Catholics put ashes on their foreheads?
  4. Why do Catholics light candles?
  5. Why are Catholic priests celibate?
  6. Why do Catholics have a pope?
  7. What do Catholics believe about te Eucharist?
  8. Why do Catholics worship Mary?
  9. Why do Catholics pray to the saints?
  10. Why are priests called "father"?
  11. Why do Catholics confess to a priest?
  12. Why do Catholics sit, stand, and kneel at Mass?
  13. Why do Catholics baptize babies?

Fr. David Michael Moses was ordained in 2019 and is now the parochial vicar at Christ the Good Shepherd in Spring, Texas. He enjoys writing music and his “Concerts for Life” have collectively raised over $1 million dollars to assist women in crisis pregnancies. Fr. David Michael is the founder of the Pilgrim Rosary project and is also active on social media where he shares stories from priestly life.
