Fifth Week of Lent: When the Battle Gets Tough
The Ascension TeamFollow along with The Ascension Lenten Companion: Year B E-Book—a daily prayer resource that will help readers discover what it is that God is offering them this Lent.
This week, Fr. Mark Toups shares the story of Hernán Cortés, a Spanish soldier who found himself on the shores of the New World at the turn of the 15th century. He knew that once the battle started, there would be temptation to flee, surrender, or go back to an “easier” life away from war. So he told his men to burn the ships. To burn the ships they came over on, leaving them with no choice but to fight the battle that was in front of them.
We all have ships we’re tempted by when life gets hard, but we need to “burn the ships” so that, when temptation comes, we can choose Christ.