Do You Need a Break from Social Media?
The Ascension TeamYou should probably take a break from social media if it is affecting your mental health, or is causing you to sin.
Studies have shown that teens and young adults have experienced thirteen to sixty-six percent more depression since the dawn of the social media revolution.
There’s also a sixty-five percent increase in suicide among girls between 2010 and 2015, and the links between those suicides and social media are staggering.
Jackie Angel mentions many other statistics from studies that prove how social media has increased depression and anxiety, especially among young people.
If you identify with these feelings and conditions, take a break from social media.
An amazing way to detox from social media is to read scripture! Especially the New Testament, because it’s a great reminder of who you really are in God’s eyes.
God wants to bear fruit in you; so if social media is preventing that fruit from flourishing, it’s just not worth it.
“A tranquil mind gives life to the flesh, but passion makes the bones rot.”
(Proverbs 14:30)
Have you heard about The Dating Project?
It’s a documentary that follows a few single people as they take on the challenge of going on real traditional dates where there’s real face time.
Ascension has the essential guide to the documentary. You can find the documentary and the guide here: The Dating Project Starter Pack.