The Dangers of Being Competitive
The Ascension TeamAre you a competitive person? Jackie talks about the dangers of being too competitive, and how it can lead to envy.
There are many positives about being a naturally competitive person. These types of people are often super driven and strive for greatness in all they do. However, just as every virtue has its vice, competitiveness can lead to feelings of envy or jealousy.
The definition of envy is to rejoice in others sufferings, and even to weep at others blessings. It’s one of the 7 deadly sins and—unfortunately—we’ve all probably fallen into this attitude at one point or another. It was through envy that Christ was handed over during his Passion, and if we’re not careful, we can risk bringing the same ill upon our brothers and sisters.
We are not competing against each other for a spot in Heaven. In fact, we’re meant to uplift one another to reach eternal life. Because of this, any victory of ours for Jesus is a victory for all, and vice versa. Our battle is not with each other, but with evil itself, and it will take the support of all the faithful to defeat it.