Christmas in Bethlehem
The Ascension TeamFather Luke-Mary shares stories about the year he spent Christmas in Bethlehem.
He taught some kids how to play Silent Night on flutes they were trying to sell with little success. But once they started playing that song, the flutes quickly sold out.
People wanted to have something that reminded them of the reason for the season – Jesus.
Father also shares how the cave where Jesus was born was likely also the place where many lambs were born.
It’s as if God had planned everything out even to the most minute detail since the beginning of time.
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If you’ve been watching the CFR’s videos on Ascension Presents regularly, you’ve probably noticed how they’re popularized the phrase, “Somos peregrinos. Poco a poco, vamos a llegar” (We are pilgrims. Little by little, we will arrive.)
Now you can buy your own music and swag to spread that message even further with the Poco a Poco collection: