Essential Catholic Relationship Advice for Couples

Essential Catholic Relationship Advice for Couples

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Times are tough for defenders of traditional marriage, but in this video Christopher West makes the case for why we may live to see the tides turn for the better. In this Caffeinated Conversation, Ascension Presents producer Maria Mitchell converses with West, an international speaker and author of many books on the Theology of the Body, and the message of hope they share is not only for those who defend traditional marriage, but for every “body.” They also discuss their encounters with Pope John Paul II, ways to pray with your whole heart, and Ascension’s newly revised Joy-Filled Marriage program. Christopher West is also a presenter in the following programs from Ascension: Introduction to the Theology of the Body Into the Heart: A Journey Through Theology of the Body Freedom to Love West is also the author of the following books from Ascension: The Love that Satisfies Heaven’s Song: Sexual Love as It Was Meant to Be Theology of the Body for Beginners: Revised Edition Theology of the Body Explained Good News About Sex and Marriage For more from West, visit MORE FROM ASCENSION: Ascension Press main website Ascension Presents website Ascension Blog SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Instagram Subscribe
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