Biblical vs. Modern Idolatry w/ Fr. Gregory Pine, OP
Jeff CavinsFor many people, the word "idolatry" calls to mind images of a golden calf or an Egyptian sphynx. Is the sin of idolatry still relevant in our world today? Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P. joins Jeff Cavins in discussing the issue of idolatry, both in the time of the prophet Hosea and in the modern world. Together they explore the unique story of the prophet Hosea and the message that he brought to the Northern Kingdom of Israel. Through this Old Testament story, Jeff and Fr. Gregory reveal the significance of idolatry in the world today and how best to battle it.
From Pennsylvania, Fr. Gregory graduated from Franciscan University of Steubenville. He previously served as the Assistant Director of Campus Outreach for the Thomistic Institute in Washington, DC, and associate pastor of St. Louis Bertrand Catholic Church in Louisville, KY where he also taught at Bellarmine University. Fr. Gregory currently serves as an adjunct professor of dogmatic theology at the Dominican House of Studies and an Assistant Director of the Thomistic Institute. He is host of the Godsplaining podcast, a contributor on the Pints with Aquinas show, and a co-host of the Catholic Classics podcast.
Fr. Gregory is the author of Prudence: Choose Confidently, Live Boldly (Our Sunday Visitor, 2022) and co-author with Matt Fradd of Marian Consecration With Aquinas: A Nine Day Path for Growing Closer to the Mother of God (TAN Books, 2020).