Am I Working Out Too Much?
The Ascension Team
Working out too much can be bad for you physically, and spiritually.
Psalm 115 says, “Not to us, Lord, not to us, but to your name be the glory.” Bobby Angel applies this wisdom to the weight room. It may seem like a stretch, but remembering God when we’re working out is vital to our spiritual and physical health.
Getting in shape can be euphoric and boost your self-esteem, but we need to remember temperance even here, because we don’t want to become like Narcissus who became enamored by his own image.
Bobby mentions that it’s possible to be a “glutton of the gym”, and remaining humble in the eyes of the Lord will lead to many more important victories than will the body of a Spartan.
Make prayer an integral part of your life. Check out Ascension’s study, Oremus: A Guide to Catholic Prayer.
For more on health and wellness, check out this video from Fr. Mike Schmitz on stress.
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